Crappers that made my day

>> Saturday, March 7, 2009

Slept at 4am yesterday and sleep was interrupted by min 's morning call at 8.15a.m .Was nice of her to wake me up;thanks.I did'nt go back to my bed and lie there lazily(like usual) as I was determined not to be late. Left home at 8.45a.m and reached douby ghaut at 10a.m despite a heavy traffic.Never did I anticipated that i would be the only one punctual.LOL
Anyway, min , xin and gladys arrived after ____mins.Soon , jason arrived .Went burger king to had our breakfast and then , paradize centre to play pool. Wei qi met us there . And Jason pretty much OWN me as usual ; and i mean OWNNNNNNNNNNNZZZ.
After that, went separate ways.Followed Weiqi around Raffles city before meeting Wang , Aaron, Daniel, Sean and Chiau Lee. They ,too , were playing pool at marina square .After a while , we went to eat Steamboat at dont-know-where. After we get seated , I already spotted 3 small cockraches and seriously lost my appetite. But after some crapping and stuff , i forgot about the incident and my appetite came back. The food there was alright and I eat a lot of beeffffffffffffffffffff.FAN TAI SUI T.T
After that ,we actually went to Marina Square arcade cos Daniel did'nt wanna watch Watchmen. I was playing the "king of fighters" machine and since I dont frequent arcades and dont know the exact combinations and stuff , I just jump around and spam punches and kicks.Someone(some random guy) actually played against me and lost to me twice.ROFLMAO.He must be feeling shitty for losing to my retarded way of playing .It's damn funny and entertaining.Wasted some time there before we headed to starbucks and home .
It has always been fun hanging out with this bunch of jokers.They will never fail to cheer you up with their crude and sarcastic jokes but seriously and more importantly,they suck. Please take this personal.Jokes & Peace. SIAM LA

P.S :good luck for your next driving test , hui min.


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